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4 Lead Management Strategies for Commercial Cleaning Companies

Bill Wichert

With the number of commercial cleaning companies increasing each year, generating leads is becoming a growing challenge. How can you best differentiate yourselves to potential customers in order to start the conversation about the great services that your company provides? In this post, we will discuss a number of strategies for lead generation that can be used for commercial cleaning companies that will not only find potential customers but locate customers that will be more inclined to have a conversation about a new relationship with your organization.

Why lead generation is important for commercial cleaning companies

Lead generation allows commercial cleaning companies to bring in new customers. Some companies simply can't afford to work on multiple accounts and so they have to focus on generating leads. It is not only a strong strategy, but also a cost-effective one, because you are generating potential customers without having to break the bank. As such, it is of vital importance that you try and find a lead generation method that is cost-effective and efficient. There are, of course, a lot of different strategies that are out there for generating leads. You may even be wondering what some of the most popular strategies are. In this post, we will discuss a number of strategies for lead generation that can be used for commercial cleaning companies, so that you can start generating potential leads.

Strategy 1: Generate leads through multiple approaches and channels

Generating leads can be challenging and frustrating. Many people in your target market have competing offers to choose from, and companies from other industries may appear to be more reputable, financially stable, or able to provide a better solution. The first step is to take note of a regional landscape and find gaps in service. Take a look at your competitors. Have they lost contracts? Are there strategic properties or customers in an area that have not been approached or aren't happy with their service? Outbound contacts based off of competitive research and gap analysis can be extremely powerful when coupled with a strong value proposition.

Outbound contacts based off of competitive research and gap analysis can be extremely powerful when coupled with a strong value proposition.

If outbound is not working for you and your company, social media is a growing channel for generating inbound leads. According to United Social Media Report 2016, there are as many as 3,175 Facebook pages for commercial cleaning companies in the U.S., with a total of 11.87 million fans. One of the best ways to utilize social media for commercial cleaning companies is to have a presence on Facebook. Your first focus should be on creating a high-quality page, because you will eventually want to run ads on it. You can set up pages for your company that allows for people to become fans by liking it. You can also have posts on your page. However, since a high-quality page should have high-quality images, you will need to post higher quality photos as well.

Strategy 2: Find leads that are more inclined to buy

If you've read the information in the first section of this post, you already know that lead generation methods are similar across all industries. You can make it simple or you can make it complicated, but in order to make it work, you'll need to follow a strategic approach. There are a number of areas you should consider when you're trying to identify potential leads. All prospects are starting points that can lead you to more leads. Make sure that you spend time understanding the needs and frustrations that your customers are facing and then offer your products or services to solve their problem. A helpful tool for you to analyze the current buyer landscape and track potential customers is a Lead Manager.

Strategy 3: Gain leads from referrals

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to generate leads is through the referral process. We all have friends, family, and colleagues that use our services. When we have a problem, these people will often refer us to someone else that they trust. The next step is to take the referral to the right company that is willing to provide the service you need. Through researching the top commercial cleaning companies, I have come across many companies that provide services that my company would never want to provide, such as a cleaning of an office building. This is because most office buildings have rules that require that the cleaning is done in accordance with a particular standard. In most cases, the service provided is far superior to that of a commercial cleaning company.

Strategy 4: Rank and focus on the most promising leads

There is a number of methods that can be used to identify the most promising leads that you can connect with. One of the most common ways is by analyzing and ranking your leads based on conversion rate. By analyzing your customers that are referred to you, and identifying those that are more likely to convert to a paying customer, you will be able to identify your most valuable leads. Another method that you can use is by taking a look at your lead marketing automation platform. You should take a look at the software that your lead management system uses. Is there an option to track which leads are more likely to convert to customers? This will help you quickly identify which ones should be prioritized and should be the first that your business has a conversation with.


Understanding what methods you need to utilize to find the right customers is important when it comes to starting the conversation with a potential client. In this post, we discussed 5 of the best lead generation strategies that you can use to help your company identify potential clients, assess the potential needs of your company, find potential clients willing to have a conversation with your business, and close the deal. Once you are able to find your customers, providing them with the support that they need will help them become loyal customers. When they have the support of your business, they will be more likely to keep coming back to you for additional services.

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